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Monday, February 21, 2011

Nutrition For Kids

Nutrition for Kids: How to Teach Your Children About Healthy Eating
You realize that nutrition for kids is important, but you're not sure how to teach your child to make better food choices.
Learn more about nutrition yourself.
==>Start with a preferred foods list.
Write down a list of all of the foods that your child likes. Post the list on the refrigerator as a reminder to you and your child to choose more of the foods that are better, and less of the foods that are not as healthy.
==>Talk about the consequences of poor nutrition in age-appropriate terms.
Tearing your hair out over how to get your kid to eat anything close to a balanced diet? This article shares some tips from nutrition experts.
Getting used to meal times, trying new foods, adjusting to unfamiliar textures and flavours is unsettling for many children, especially toddlers.

Common complaints in providing kids nutrition range from difficulty in introducing new foods to an aversion for certain types, especially green, leafy vegetables, as well as wholemeal varieties like brown rice and wholegrain breads.
For a child to develop the right eating habits, nutrition experts stress the importance of addressing this problem. Getting your child to eat a variety of foods is important to ensure a well-balanced diet and adequate nutrition.
1. Make it fun - Get him involved in the preparation of the food. Combine different food with bright colours and make the dish "interesting to eat".
3. Encourage, not punish - Load up the praises when he eats well or tries out new food. 4. Adopt a routine - Kids crave familiarity. Examples of healthy snacks include milk, soy bean milk, cheese, fruits, fruit juices, pudding and yoghurt.
Your children need a certain intake of certain types of food. If your child is very young, feed them fruit and vegetables so that they are used to these foods. You can go with starchy vegetables like potatoes and squash to provide some carbohydrates through this food group. While your child is still very young, you can serve them refined grain products.
This assures you that daily nutrition is being met for your kids. Children naturally go for grains and protein groups, so make up for what they will naturally lack. If your children feel they're too old to be drinking milk, substitute this with yogurt, pudding, cheese, or calcium fortified fruit juice.
When eating proteins, try to serve a lot of fish and beans. When serving beef and pork, go for the leaner cuts to lessen your children's fat intake.
Parents should trust the food pyramid and see that it provides for good, healthy, well balanced meals and snacks in proper servings. While this is a great guide for daily nutrition for kids, parents also have to keep in mind not to force their children to eat. Try making sure your kids get the right servings of the right food groups, but if they simply are not hungry, don't force the issue, especially if they've been eating nutritious food all day. Children have a natural clock that tells them when they've had too much to eat.
Don't force your children to eat when they're not hungry, this could lead to an overeating habit in the future. Also make sure that they chew their food well and eat slowly, this also prevents overeating.
Daily nutrition for kids is something that is easily met if you just pay a little more attention to what you serve. Before you know it, you'll be able to serve good and nutritious food for your kids at all times!


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