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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Healthy Career Choice, A Degree in Nutrition Education

Healthy Career Choice, A Degree in Nutrition Education
The food we eat is extremely important for our health and well-being. If you think of food as a fuel source, then it makes sense to eat the best food available in such a way as to maximize vitamins and minerals and minimize additives and refined sugar. If you enjoy a healthy lifestyle and find nutrition interesting, than a career in nutrition could be your ideal job.
What Does Nutrition Education Involve?
Food is very complex and processing and cooking can remove many of the nutrients vital for our health and well being. Of course it is essential that some food be cooked before we eat it such as most meat, fish, shellfish and eggs. This is particularly true for very young, elderly, pregnant, or ill people.
People are becoming more concerned about the quality of the food they eat, and even some of the large burger chains have employed nutritionists to help improve the quality of their food. You may learn about vitamins, minerals, and proteins. Which foods offer these in abundance, and how best to preserve the goodness. You might also learn about vitamin and mineral deficiencies and how to spot symptoms e.g. Scurvy (lack of vitamin C), Ricketts (lack of vitamin D,) and anemia (lack of iron.) You should also gain practice in constructing healthy menus and diet plans e.g. providing plenty of folic acid for pregnant women.
Nutrition Education in Florida
Where better to start your nutrition career than in Florida , The Sunshine State. Florida is producing some of the most sumptuous foodstuffs around. The list of Florida 's agricultural products almost reads like a nutritionally well-balanced menu in itself. The main products are citrus fruits, a wide variety of vegetables, nursery stock, cattle, sugarcane, and dairy products. While away from your nutrition education, you can enjoy marine sports, golf, or the climate.


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