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Thursday, February 17, 2011


Cellular Nutrition is the Best Basic Nutrition
Cellular Nutrition is the Best Basic Nutrition
Quite evidently, the very best basic nutrition is absorbed through cellular nutrition. What is Cellular Nutrition?
Cellular Nutrition is the principle that would be adhered to by a person seeking the very best solid basic nutrition program. The Medical Advisory Board researches for the exact best ingredients and calculates the nutrient ratios in the very best supplement nutrition programs available. These programs produce a kind of nutritional efficiency that is optimal nutrition for each and every cell in the body!
Who Should Use One of These Nutrition Programs?
A cellular nutrition program should be part of everyone's daily regimen. Succinctly put, cellular nutrition is a life wellness path choice that promotes metabolicimprovement so as to enable all body systems to function at their peak best.

How to Get Started On Cellular Nutrition
Because so many ailments are the result of diets containing foods deficient of nutrition like pre-packaged or fast food meals, it is strongly recommended that you replace those meals with a diet promoting cellular nutrition absorption of healthy nutrients. Three items are highly recommended as a simple basic nutrition foundation that will lead to excellent nutrient absorption at the cellular level:
1) A healthy nutritional meal with at least 9 grams of 98% digestible protein. (Some protein shakes are among the most technically advanced foods available today)
(2) A multivitamin with micro nutrition from numerous vitamins, minerals and botanical herbs.
(3) A cell activating supplement formula for repairing and reawakening the villi in the small intestine, increasing the nutrient absorption through cell activation for increased vitamin, mineral and food assimilation and intake effectiveness. These three kinds of product provide the foundation of an excellent cellular nutrition absorption program for the body's essential basic nutritional needs.
In conclusion, should you be looking into the efficiency of nutrition and what it can mean to your health challenges and goals, or even if you just want to look and feel your best with great energy, check into a cellular nutrition program. You will see clearly that, for our bodies, the very healthiest and best basic nutrition is cellular nutrition.
Nutrition is an unavoidable factor in education and health growth of a nation. A healthy student is a productive student. Good nutrition is increasingly perceived as an investment in human capital that yields returns today as well as in the future, while bad nutrition is a treat to the nation. The global loss of social productivity in 1990 is caused by four overlapping types of malnutrition â?? stunting and disorders related to iodine iron and vitamin A deficiency â?? free life nutrition raises returns on investment in education and health care.
I have categories these problems into two major nutritional factors, the problem of undernutrition and malnutrition. The purpose of this write â?? up is to review the impact of nutrition on the present and past and necessary steps taken to arrest the situation. NUTRITIONAL PROBLEMS:
Nigeria as a country is characterized by two major nutritional problems which includes undernutrition and micronutrient. In Anambra State, Nigeria, Agu observed that pap contained only 0.5% protein and less than 1% fat, as compared with 9% protein and 4% fat in the original corn. Akinele and Omotola investigated the energy and protein intake of infants and children of the low income group. 2SD weight-for-age ) at 36% including 12% severely underweight. The prevalence of stunting (below â??2 SD height â?? for â?? age) was 43% including 22% severe stunting (below â?? 3SD) while the levels of wasting and severe wasting were 9% and 2% respectively. In 1986 in Ondo State, Nigeria, DHS Survey of children aged 6 to 36 months is 28% prevalence for underweight, 32% for stunting, and 7% for wasting.
For adults and older children, it is usually possible to achieve an adequate protein â?? energy intake by increasing the daily intake of starchy foods of low nutrient density. For infants and small children, however, the volume of the traditional diets maybe too large to allow the child to ingest all the food necessary to cover his or her energy needs. President Chief Olusegun Obasanjo rightly observed that almost half of children ages 7-13 in Nigerian are continue underweight. Micronutrient is another hard nut to break in the area of nutrition. It is the inadequate intake of key vitamins and minerals. The lack of vitamins and minerals result in irreversible impairment to child physical and mental development. Iodine deficiency disorders may cause foetal brain damage or still birth (mental retardation, delayed motor development) and stunting. It is on record that 40% of children under 5 years of age suffer vitamin A deficiency. THE EFFECT OF NUTRITION ON NATIONAL EDUCATION:
Nutrition has a dynamic and synergistic relationship with economic growth through the channel of education. Behrman cites three studies suggesting that, by facilitating cognitive achievement, child nutrition and schooling can significantly increase wages. In utero, infant and child nutrition affects later cognitive achievement and learning capacity during school years, ultimately increasing the quality of education gained as a child, adolescent and adult. Parental education affects in utero, infant and child nutrition directly through the quality of care given (Principally maternal) and indirectly through increased household income. Human capital development, primarily through education, has received merited attention as a key to economic development, but early childhood nutrition has yet to obtain the required emphasis as a necessary facilitator of education and human capital development.
A recent research shows that early childhood nutrition plays a key role in cognitive achievement, leaning capacity and ultimately, household welfare. For example, protein - energy malnutrition (PEM) deficiency, as manifested in stunting is linked to lower cognitive development and education achievement; low birth weight is linked to cognitive deficiencies; iodine deficiency in pregnant mothers negatively affects the mental development of their children can cause delayed maturation and diminished intellectual performance; iron deficiency can result in impaired concurrent and future learning capacity. This goes a long way to prove that nutrition have a great impact to national education as Nigeria is fully experiencing this ugly impact now and in time to come.
A health nation is a wealthy nation. Nutrition has a great impact on every nationâ??s growth especially as we can see in Nigeria situation. Inadequate consumption of protein and energy as well as deficiencies in key micronutrient such as iodine, vitamin A and iron are also key factors in the morbidity and mortality of children and adults. Mal-nourished children also have lifetime disabilities and weakened immune systems.
Moreover, malnutrition is associated with disease and poor health, which places a further burden on household as well as health care systems. Disease affects a personâ??s development by reducing their dietary intake; causing a loss of nutrients; or increasing nutrient demand as a result of fever.
Malnutrition also plays a significant role in morbidity among adults. A study on Nigerian men and women has shown mortality rates, among chronically energy â?? deficient people. Iron deficiency is associated with malaria, intestinal parasitic infections and chronic infections. Chronic iodine deficiency causes goiter in adults and Children and also affects mental health. Vitamin A deficiency significantly increases the risk of severe illness and death from common childhood infections, particularly diarrhoeal diseases and measles. In 1983, the U.S. Agency for international Development (USAID) began providing assistance to the Nigerian Federal and State Ministries of Health to develop and implement programs in family planning and child survival. narcotics trafficking issues. By the mid â?? 1990â??The world health organization (WHO) in 1987 estimated that there were 3 million cases of guinea worm in Nigeria about 2 percent of the world total of 140 million cases making Nigeria the nation with the highest number of guinea worm cases. In August 1987, the federal government launched its primary Health care plan (PHC), which President Ibrahim Babangida announced as the cornerstone of health policy. Intended to affect the entire national population, its main stated objectives included accelerated health care personnel development; improved collection and monitoring of health data; ensured availability of essential drugs in all areas of the country; implementation an expanded Program on Immunization (EPI); improved â??throughout the country; promotion of health awareness development of a national family health program; and widespread promotion of oral dehydration therapy for treatment of diarrheal disease in infant and children.
The president Chief Olusegun Obasanjo in 2002 meeting with the president international Union of Nutritional sciences (IUNS) promised to support a better coordination of nutrition activities and programs in Nigeria, he further said that â??In the 27th September 2005 Nigerian President Chief Olusegun Obasanjo Lunched the Nasarawa State School feeding program at the Laminga primary school. Other international bodies and NGO like the World Bank development fund; the world health organization (WHO); the United Nations agencies (UNICEF, UNFPA and UNDP); The African Development Bank; the Ford and Mc Arthur Foundation etc. s health and nutrition.
One of the most important parts of any sports nutrition is protein supplements. Building up muscle strength would be the job of regular physical activity. Sports nutrition supplements need high levels of protein, which you can get from protein-rich foods. There is fish, poultry and dairy products, and these are the foods you usually get your protein from because some sources of protein are high in fat and also in calories. Even though nutrition supplements are useful, there are many reasons because of which sports nutrition experts discourage use of such supplements. Other reasons include high amounts of nitrogen in the nutrition supplement, which will only be excreted from your body as urea. Beware of sports nutrition supplements that have high amounts of amino aids because it can cause gout; diarrhea and stomach cramping that can rank from mild to severe pain.
Even though sports nutrition supplements are being discouraged by sports nutrition experts, Bricker Labs, a sports nutrition supplement manufacturer, still does a lot of research, developments and marketing in this area.
Bricker Labs has over thirty years to blame for their success in their provision of sports nutrition supplements. They do not apply to sports nutrition only too, but also to weight loss, diet, health and other nutritional aspects.
It's because of their experience in the field of sports nutrition and also because of their choice of perfectly safer ingredients in developing the nutrition that you would not like to consider any other manufacturer for your sports nutrition supplements.


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