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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Healthy Living Blogs

How to Improve the Quality of Sleep for Healthy Living
One can improve the quality of sleep for healthy living by a set of simple actions such as Gyan Mudra, EFT and meditation. We discussed in our blog that meditation is not a substitute for adequate sleep. Based on our interaction with many people, there is a strong need for improving the quality of sleep. I am of the opinion one can improve the quality of sleep for healthy living by a set of simple actions as follows:
Sleep around the same time, with the band not exceeding 30 minutes. Have a short walk after dinner. This suggestion is based on the feedback of many people.
Read a light and inspirational book for 15 to 30 minutes before retiring to bed.
Do tapping (EFT) for about 3 minutes at bed. Recall pleasant things and events. When you recall pleasant things, you not only improve the quality of your sleep but also the recurrence of such pleasant things and events.
Kindly share those. By improving the quality of our sleep, we will improve our productivity, confidence, relationships and life harmony.
Living Healthy, Eating Properly and Living Longer!
We have hundreds of books, articles, blogs, etc. available to us on the subject of living healthy and eating properly. well, they live and EAT HEALTHILY!

then comes FOOD and DRINK, all the stuff that we put into our bodies!
The way we eat and what we eat has changed very drastically in the last few thousand years. BUT folks, our body and digestive system did not change. We are stuck with a body and a digestive system that is thousands of years behind our modern eating habits and we are better off if we start catering to the system we actually have!
So let us try to imagine what our ancestors a few thousand years ago ate and how they ate.
If we ate only fruits and vegetables RAW, we would get sick a lot less, and let us not kid ourselves, we actually can, and some of us do and have less health problems. Eventually grains got added, and then meat. Now, let's look at the way HOW they did eat that stuff:
Now, that is easy for a digestive system to cope with, like our stomach needs to produce only very specific digestive "juices", enzymes etc.
When they had a kill of some animal, they were eating meat, sometimes for days, again, very specific digestive "items".
Let us assume for a moment that we are not vegans or vegetarians, and that we do eat meat. Ok, it is the meat we should eat first, just the meat by itself, definitely without carbohydrates, so our stomach can "focus" and get all the right and specific digestive juices ready, especially Hydrochloric Acid. The carbohydrates need to be eaten separately, at least 35 to 45 minutes later.
We can however, combine proteins and carbohydrates with raw fruit or vegetables, we call this "life food" and it comes complete with its own digestive enzymes. So very important: EAT YOUR FOODS IN THE RIGHT SEQUENCE AND THE RIGHT COMBINATION!
Eat small meals more often, six times a day is good, snacks are best from fruits, nuts etc. The foods to stay away from of course are all the prepared meals, the processed stuff, read labels and buy food without or at least with a minimum of chemicals.
The worst food stuffs are simple carbohydrates; they, together with low fiber intake, are the main cause of the diabetes epidemic we are currently witnessing. The other big problem are soft drinks especially the ones that contain artificial sweeteners (low or no sugar) very health threatening. - Are you fatigued all the time?
- Do you start to crash and burn right around 2 in the afternoon?
If you answered yes to any or all then you are not living healthy through fitness. Fitness should be such an important part of every ones daily lives these days but people are just too busy to take care of themselves. The truth is this, your life would be much easier to handle if you had fitness as part of your daily life.
It helps you with the normal everyday aches and pains of getting older.
Due to the type of training I put my body through such as functional training my body can take the abuse my son inflicts on me everyday and I love it.


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